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Dynamic Acquisition and Control

The QuantusSeries is a complete suite of tools for Structural Acquisition and the most demanding Data Acquisition applications. With over 150 000 channels installed in the market, our systems are used globally in applications where accuracy and the quality of signal conditioning come first. From small to large channel counts, leading manufacturers in automotive, aerospace, and defense trust MECALC with their most important projects.


In Action

Typical user stories for QuantusSeries instruments include:

      From single to multiple channels across all sensor types    |    From single to multiple sample rates per chassis
      From slow to fast sampling rate    |    From small to large channel counts in a singlechassis    |    From one to multiple chassis
      From running independently to running time synchronously with other systems via GPS, PTP
      From a full software solution to using an embedded algorithm to monitor the status of a critical test (such as jet engine testing)
      From tethered to standalone    |    From measurement only to measurement and control


Strain / Fatigue
Data Collection

End of Line Testing

Small Portable Measurements

Modal Analysis

Stationary / Mobile
Automotive Measurements

Larger Portable Measurements


Distributed Measurement Systems

Large Scale Laboratory Applications